Wednesday, June 17, 2009


picasso museum does NOT suck, but the portion of the museum with his "blue period" was SHUT and we paid full price without warning. that's just rude, come on curators. you should know to at least warn students paying six euros to see a museum that it's half closed! luckily ken (one of our "parents" here in barcelona) was able to work a deal out with the museum, so our group is going to be able to return after the construction is finished.

today class was so tiring. i'm going to ask about moving up a level in my spanish class because it's going way slower than i anticipated.

went to the beach after that, then the picasso museum. cooking chicken later. then homework and sleep, i can't handle getting so little sleep and then going to five and a half hours of class.

1 comment:

Grace said...

I never let you know - you inspired me to take Spanish in lieu of French!
I start next quarter.

Glad you're enjoying yourself!

<3 Grace.