Friday, June 19, 2009

Paella and Escargot

Okay, finally a legitimate blog entry. Yesterday i had class for ages. I guess that's not new. Grammar class for 3 hours. Then metro ride for field trip #1. Our teacher took us to this really cool underground musuem called Monumental Ensemble of the Plaça del Rei. You enter upstairs and go down an elevator, which calculates the approximate year in time you would be in at each height it goes to-- so as you move downwards, so do the years, faster and faster and faster.

There are ruins of the old Roman city which eventually became Barcelona. There are lots of inscriptions in Latin and --shoutout to Gabby, Marcy, and Sarah-- Hebrew. Sadly, the one guy who speaks Hebrew couldn't figure out what it said. Languages change over time, so that's probably why.

Anyways, we checked everything out underground, and then looked at what it was above (if it was still there or had been added to) or what was in its place. We also went to see the Roman columns. Had I not been to Rome recently, these would have been extremely impressive. What I did find really cool was that peoples apartments look out into this green-house like room onto these artifacts. Check the picture to see what I mean.

So after that I stopped by Calzedona, the Brazillian bikini shop, to pick up something I put on hold, and stopped at Happy Pills, the not-so-PC named candy store. Really great candies. Some in the shape of Snails (good, my serving of escargot for the trip), some in the shape of Chili Peppers (actually very spicy.. had to spit that one out), and some in the shape of Sunny Side Up Eggs (yummy, didn't taste like eggs).

Then I came back and chilled for a bit. Today nothing happened. Went to class, came back and read a book. Made dinner. Now we're just relaxing and enjoying some wine before going to Razzmatazz or Opium and Catwalk.

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