Sunday, June 21, 2009

Tourisme y Fiestas

Friday night we ended up going to Otto Zeus, a club in a shady area which was awesome. It was the first place that actually carded, but somehow I was not one of our group who was. My new heels probably helped, but it wouldn't have mattered because you only have to be 18 anyways. It had a ton of different levels, and a naked chick was walking up and down and all around while being filmed. I'm not sure if it was for a music video, a porno, or what

, but it was bizarre. She was creepy and tried to dance with us. I was not down for having my face in whatever they were filming and shied away. It clearly can't be something public because they would have to have everyone in the club sign off for it. Luckily. I left somewhat early because I was tired and passed out right away. Somewhat early in Spain is about 3:30. I slept late.

Saturday was a beach day. Tanned with my new bikini, and wasn't red at all or anything down on the beach, but late at night I had a lobster chest. Not sure how that ended up happening, but it faded to a nice golden b
rown today. I think that by the end of this trip I may just be as tan as the rest of my family. Unlikely but more possible than ever. I'm always the pale one, at least in comparison to my swimmer brother and father and my Jamaican-blooded mother.

At night I went to the annual techno music festival Barcelona hosts called Sónar. It was intense. The DJs were making music right in front of your eyes. Not mash ups, legitimate technological music. I was offered all kinds of pills (and denied all of them). We got hom
e at 6am, and I jumped right into bed without even changing. I managed to wake up at 12 and got ready for a ridiculous day of touring.

A group of seven of us checked out the Museu Xocolata (The Chocolate Museum). The tickets were bars of chocolate with wrappers with ticket info. There were all kinds of carvings made of chocolate, including one of Gaudi's lizard from Parc Güell, which we actually went to later. There were also interactive memos about the history of chocolate. On the way to the metro we stopped by the Arc de Triomf, which loomed over us by hundreds of feet. It was beautiful in the afternoon sun. We hopped on the metro, and off we went.

Next stop was Parc Güell. We climbed the endless hill, taking the many escalators and walking up the San Francisco steep street. At the top we admired the views of the city-- we could see where we live, and many other spectacles-- and everyone bought inexpensive jewelery from peddlers. I bought three evil-eye bracelets (my fave relic from Greece) and a random Virgin Mary bracelet that I thought was kinda cool. I swear it's not sacrereligious for me to wear it-- I am baptised, even if my personal beliefs remain uncertain.

We took forever in the Parc, looking at everything and taking pictures together. Finally, three of us returned to the dorm to rest up and begin homework, and the rest went to the Museu de Casa de Gaudi. I plan to visit that with my mom when she comes.

After that, some of the girls made dinner for all of us and we ate in Patsy's room. Now I have a lot of reading to do.

1 comment:

Laurel D said...

CHOCOLATE MUSEUM?! Oh man I am jealous :D I hope you took TONS of pictures.