Tuesday, June 16, 2009

cooking, studying, clubbing...

today has been great so far. last night we did the midnight dinner only to discover that our area is a sleepy residential area in which only fast food places are open after midnight... oops. enter Pitta Hut. falafel. not my favorite, certainly not a typical Spanish food-- or experience.

we came back and started to do reading for the class we had. we had planned to experience some real spanish nightlife after doing the homework, but the reading put everyone to bed. so tonight we'll hopefully check it out, but who knows.

this morning we had to be at class at 9... my language teacher is adorable. she is only 29, just got married 3 weeks ago, and basically is in love with everything and the world itself. she's basically in like the best place she could possibly be in life. so class was fun and light, which is fantastic. we haven't actually started any material yet, and had no homework. it IS an intensive language course though, so i'm expecting things to pick up tomorrow.

i had to go straight from that class to my history class without food... five and half straight hours of class = death. we had short breaks in both classes, but it's just not enough time to even down a drink let alone eat a meal.

-- written later, at 2:51am --

so i'm adjusting, slowly, to the barcelona eat a little all day long schedule. i feel like i'm actually not eating enough, but i might be.. it's hard to tell after eating midwestern humungo meals all the time. i miss california eating. or at least how i eat there.

sooo anyways, i just got back from a bar. we thought it was a gay bar because it was ALL men, but apparently its just opposite of the US here-- more men go out than women. scott was freaking out. sooo i was asking people left and right if it was a gay bar in french and spanish. the people who had come in groups were all from other countries. the spanish boys come alone. its very awkward. so awkward that i felt compelled to leave after only a little while. the cab ride is only 4 euros from las ramblas to the barceloneta metro stop, from which we can walk, so it's 1 euro per person each way. not bad, especially since admission to the clubs is free if you get passes from men handing them out on the streets. which we do.

so i'm back pretty early, because i was bored. oh also today we did a scavenger hunt around this part of barcelona (where we are living), which was fun even if it sounds lame. my team won because we're all competitive and wanted to make it more fun by being so.

i had a bottle of rosé with a group of kids. it was great for the price -- under 4 euros. went grocery shopping and got more stuff to cook so i can save money. planning to make chicken of all kinds. limon, herb, etc etc. brie and bread, nutella and bread, etc. oh and i got zanahorías, mis favoritos.

okay i'm exhausted. buenas noches.

ps pictures to be added tomorrow, the internet is sucking.


laura c said...

sounds fun karina! i wish i could go to barcelona, but for now i'm looking forward to experiencing it vicariously through you :]

Laurel D said...

- your teacher sounds adorable!
- i cant say that the guy:girl ratio in the clubs sounds TOO bad haha
- eating five small meals per day or three meduim-sized meals plus two or three snacks is actually the healthiest way to eat :-)

can't wait for more pictures!

Kadie said...

En verdad, la comida española es un poquito raro. anchovies, blood sausage y que se yo. pero es superr delicioso si decides tratarlo. mi abuelo lo encanto.

También, leo tu blog cada dia como un periódico jajaja. y decidió hablarte en español para ayudarte con tus classes. kk te quiero. bye